What Is XLA Consulting?
For too long customers have been complaining about the irrelevance of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to provide meaningful measurements of how they are able to do their job. Whether your service is out-sourced, in-sourced or co-sourced, most organisations measure the success of the service through a number (sometimes pages and pages) of SLAs and KPIs. Our XLA consultancy can help you implement Experience Level Agreements (XLAs) into your work module to significantly enhance your customer and employee experience, so you can understand what is most important to both groups.
SLAs and KPIs do not concern themselves with an employee’s experience of the service. Throughout our time, we've regularly seen that employees do not mind whether the phone is answered in 3 or 4 rings, or if an incident is responded to in 1 hour or 2, as long as the overall experience of the services being delivered is good. Having good SLAs and KPIs is still important to measure technical performance but these need to be enhanced with XLAs to measure the employee experience. How did your interaction with the service make you feel? Was what we offered valuable to you?
XLAs are now more important than ever as employee experience is quite rightly on the top of any CIO/CXO objective list. Organisations now (both internal and external) are asking themselves:
Are my SLAs/KPIs relevant?
What is an XLA?
How do I begin to build an XLA?
What do I need to do and where do I start?
Why Choose Us For XLA Consultancy?
Bright Horse have been at the forefront of the Experience Level Agreement (XLA) movement for the last few years and throughout this time, we have travelled the length and breadth of the UK meeting our customers, listening to their experience needs and guiding them on how to build and implement Experience Level Agreements.
If you are an internal organisation or an external service provider and need hands-on, real-world, practical help and support to start or complete your XLA journey then our experienced consultants can help.
Let’s make something exceptional happen together.