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About Us

Since 2015, Bright Horse has been at the forefront of the employee experience movement and helping organisations to improve their employee's productivity. Realising that many organisations struggle with this, Bright Horse focuses on helping them fix these issues by measuring, managing and improving employees' experience of their digital workplace.


We Educate, Assess, Advise and provide Technical Solutions to ensure that IT delivers the right outcomes and values.


To be productive in today’s digital workplace, where 50% of the workforce now come from the millennial (or younger) generation, employees in all organisations need to feel engaged with the business and be given the right tools and systems to enable them.


Many employees are dissatisfied (read angry) with irrelevant service levels and metrics that focus on systems and targets rather than their actual experience of the services being provided.


Whether IT is insourced, outsourced or co-sourced, we work with all IT service departments to move to a modern mechanism of measuring IT performance.  We create the right Experience Metrics (XLAs/DeX, DeM), processes and systems to ensure that our customers can deliver awesome IT Services that enable their customers to be awesome too.

At Bright Horse we Underline our Services with Two Core Principles

Meet the Team

Neil Keating - Chief Experience Officer
Neil Keating - Chief Experience Officer
Ken Wilson - Co-Founder and Experience Chair
Ken Wilson - Co-Founder and Experience Chair
William Foster - All Things Web
William Foster - All Things Web
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